Sunday, March 23, 2014

The ONE way to receive information from the universe… read on

Ever have the experience when a dream brought a much needed answer? Have you ever woken up with a brilliant idea, or had a steady flow of ideas "pop in your head" for a project you were working on? Fun, right? 
Yes and easy!
We love easy… but what happens when answers don't come so easily and why do they come easily in some circumstances and not others? 
Not receiving information from the universe might even prompt imploring/begging/pleading with the Universe, "please… tell me what I need to know about my (insert project/business venture/relationship). 

It's as if we want it all figured out BEFORE we even begin. 

If you are still reading this chances are, you already work with the universe and the universe has helped you out in the past with a thing or two. 
Or perhaps you consistently work with the universe, co-creating magic in your life and in your business… Nice!

While working with the universe have you noticed its guidance  comes  in the form of: information, ideas, support, signs and assistance at just the right time? Even if we ask for clues, signs and etc… we won't receive any if we are asking for guidance regarding a future event. 
For some people who are planners/left brained dominate this can be frustrating!  It may at times feel as if the universe is withholding from us, playing hard to get or just plain ignoring us. Recently (like this morning) I found out why all this happens and I wanted to share it with you! 

 I receive guidance from the universe right when I wake up in the morning. The process is simple, I focus my thoughts on a specific project and then…  I wait. This morning was no different, I was thinking about an upcoming event (3 weeks away) and waiting for universal guidance, none came. 
I waited longer, still nothing. 
Thankfully, I didn't doubt myself, and I simply asked (silently to myself, Universe what gives? Why am I not receiving guidance?) 
A moment later I was given guidance, not about my upcoming  event but about "timing" of guidance. 
The message was simple and straight forward:  time is irrelevant in the spiritual realm, we only assist with the NOW.  Which got me thinking about the physical realm and that we only have the present moment. 
Which brings to mind a sign that hangs in an English pub and reads, "Free beer tomorrow." Does anyone ever get free beer? 
There's a good reason for that because, tomorrow doesn't exist, yet it does because we can see it on our calendar and we can even plan for it and we can even push things off until  tomorrow. 

By my asking about an event 3 weeks away I wasn't in the NOW,  I was in the future with my thoughts which doesn't  allow access to guidance from the spiritual realm. Future is irrelevant to the spiritual realm everything exists in the NOW. 
Future thinking does NOTHING for manifesting what you desire. Everything you desire must be thought of  in the present moment if you want the universe to assist you. 

This is HUGE so please stay with me. 

Further evidence of this phenomenon happened recently as I completely overhauled my level I workshop which is the foundational level of my Wealth Mastery Institute.  I spent weeks and hundreds of hours upgrading the workshop and even had a 7-page spreadsheet which included all the details of the weekend workshop, including what time students would enter the room, to what song, to how long each experiential activity would take, which pages of the workbook would be covered and etc. I thought I had a pretty amazing weekend planned for the group. 
We started Friday evening and all seemed to be going well. People were making shifts and some great work was being done. Saturday continued, I followed my plan and we covered a lot of material while having fun. 
However, after class Saturday night I was reflecting on the day and I felt as if something was missing, yet I couldn't put my finger on it. 
I went to sleep that night and tossed and turned. 
Sunday morning at 4:00 am I was awakened with ideas for the class. I was experiencing a stream of ideas about what to cover for class that day. I jumped out of bed grabbed a few index cards and pen and wrote down the ideas. 
The ideas felt really good to me and I chose to abandon my spreadsheet even though I was scared to, I knew I had  to trust and have faith to forgo my previous plan and go with the ideas that I received from the universe earlier that morning. 

Then the thought occurred to me, wait a second trusting and having faith in one's self and in universal guidance is EXACTLY what I teach, so I HAVE to trust in what was given to me and follow it!

I did follow the ideas given to me and it was the best day I've ever had teaching. A few workshop veterans told me how much they loved what we did on Sunday and that they've never experienced anything like it before! 
To this day, I still use the same format for Sunday's that was presented to me by the Universe a mere 5 hours earlier. 

That experience coupled with this mornings awareness around the timing of universal guidance has proven a few things:

1) The universe assists you with what you have happening right NOW , not future events. 
2) Plan for future events yet more importantly remain FLEXIBLE.
3) If you are in need of assistance for a future event, pretend as if it is happening NOW (you can do this by using your imagination or by actually taking action toward a future event) then ask the universe for assistance.
4) Have notecards and a pen handy (or some type of recording device) at all times to record the ideas and inspiration from the universe. I take these with me when I'm out for a walk, bathing, driving and have them strategically placed in my night stand, bathroom and workout room.
5)Follow and trust the guidance you receive!

For Type A's (you know who you are) you might struggle with this concept yet, please know…  it works! 
Prepare if you must for your meeting, presentation, speech, workshop or coaching session AND remain open to ideas and concepts that come to you in the moment. 

In summary, if you are not receiving information, ideas, assistance or clues from the universe about something you are working on ask yourself this very important question: "Am I asking about a future event or about something happening NOW?"
Once you determine it's in the Now then ask again, it's easy, here's what I ask, "what do I need to know right now about (insert today's project) then wait for guidance. 

To your success,

 Jaden Sterling is North America’s Business Acceleration Expert, an award winning, international best-selling author of “The Alchemy of True Success” and is a sought after Speaker, Consultant and Trainer who advises Entrepreneurs and business owners on  taking their business to the next level. For more information please visit:

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