Thursday, May 27, 2010

Desire abundance? Try this.....

I AM statements are THE most powerful statements you will ever make about yourself and to the Universe. You actually manifest on a vibratory level (first level for manifesting anything) by the statements you make about yourself. The Universe is always listening and always giving you what you believe to be true about you. The moment you utter the words, "I am abundant" you set in motion a series of events and opportunities that will allow for your statement to come true. However, if using I AM statements in such a way that promotes lack in your life, the Universe will again bring you events and situations for you to manifest lack.
Consider starting today, exercises that will assist you in experiencing abundance, this can take the form of repeating a mantra out loud.
A good example for manifesting prosperity are the following mantra's :
I AM manifesting large sums of money, free and clear, here and now.
I AM receiving with ease and grace here and now always and in all ways.
Wealth & Wisdom blessings,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Abundance is YOUR birthright!

Abundance is your birthright, you were put on Earth to fulfill your destiny, learn lessons, be of service and certainly not worry about money. Manifesting money happens easily once you get clear about your intentions and commit to sharing your gifts and talents with others all while being open to receiving the blessings the Universe has for you. How simple, right? If so, then why do so many people complicate this process?
The process becomes complicated because most grew up internalizing their parent's fears and worries about money by hearing things such as, “you have to work hard for money” and “you can’t always get what you want in life” “do you think money grows on trees” etc. Hearing and believing someone else’s negative money beliefs actually impact your chances for success. I encourage you to formulate your own beliefs and attitudes about money and anything else for that matter. To have positive money experiences it helps to first, know that you truly deserve to have abundance in your life beyond just paying your bills. Now, notice I used the word “know” instead of “want”. Wanting leaves you wanting, however, knowing gives you more of what you know you already have. Knowing connects you to your truth center. It is this place of truth from which you manifest all those wonderful experiences of abundance, joy, happiness and perfect health.
Know it and claim it!
Wealth & Wisdom blessings,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Turning the tide of fear and riding the wave of faith....

At the exact moment you consciously choose faith over fear you allow for your Soul's purpose to unfold. Have a plan to over come fear when it rears it's ugly head. I choose to visualize a large lever, when feeling afraid, I grab the handle to the lever and hammer it down which shuts down fear and allows faith to come forward. Perhaps you can visualize fear as a bubble and you send it back into the Universe to be recycled.
Would love to hear how you overcome fear.....
Wealth and wisdom blessings to you,

Are you following your gut or gutting it out?

During the decade of the  90's I was in my 20's and  worked  in corporate America in sales earning enough money to put me  in the top 1% income earners in the United States yet, I still felt unfulfilled. The gnawing feeling in my gut told me I needed a change and I knew it was coming it was just a matter of when.
By the urging of my family I went about the process slowly, day after day I stayed in my job feeling unfulfilled and literally "gutting it out" at work until one day came when I could no longer ignore what I was feeling. I remember driving to work and felt a deep yearning in my gut for something more. Not wanting to act impulsively,  I decided to wait another 30 days, promising myself  if I still felt the same gnawing feeling in my gut for 30 days in a row, I would create a plan to exit my job.
Sure enough 30 days came and went, the feeling was still as strong as ever and even though I felt a tremendous amount of fear, I still honored my promise. I flew to New York, met with my boss and resigned from my job. The feeling was exhilarating and frightening all at the same time. That was eleven years ago, and following my gut has allowed me to live a life of complete freedom traveling the world, giving back to my community and now stepping into my Soul's purpose of teaching others to align with their purpose. 
So my friends, are you following your gut or still gutting it out?
Wealth and wisdom blessings to you,

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's official, stocks are on sale!

In light of the recent stock market volatility it's time to say stocks are officially on sale! Strange though how people will flock to retail stores to buy items at a discounted price, yet when it comes to stocks, most fear when they go down and will only consider investing after prices have risen.
So, where is the balance? The balance comes from identifying companies that you like to do business with, perhaps you like their products (apple computer comes to my mind) and then look at their stock prices. Charting stock prices is easy to do when utilizing bloomberg or other financial internet sites. Pick charts that are long term and that show a clearly defined trend line, buying above the trend line is helpful but not at the peak. The market's recent pull back of 10% signals a buying opportunity to me.
Wealth & Wisdom blessings to you,
Jaden Sterling