Friday, August 10, 2012

Your Inner GPS Will Get You To Where You Want To Go

Everyone is equipped with what I call an Inner GPS, which is your personal navigation system that can steer you clear of potential pit falls and lead you in the direction of your goals and dreams. Your inner GPS works similarly to the one in your car, you simply put in your destination and it will give you step by step instructions on how to reach your destination, but there is a catch. The catch you ask? Well, first you have to know where you are going and secondly, you have to know how to activate your inner GPS since what good is having a GPS that you don't know how to turn on?

Your inner GPS is located in the center of your brain at the top of your spinal cord and its called the Pineal Gland. The pineal gland is small (size of a pea) and is shaped like a tiny pine cone which is how it got its name.

The Pineal gland acts like a conductor carefully orchestrating your body, mind and spirit to help you achieve any goal and dream you desire. One could say the body is literally hard wired to assist you in achieving anything your heart desires and here's how it works.

First, take some time to get crystal clear about what you desire (this is your destination) and write it down on a piece of paper.

Second, create a mental picture in your mind of what you desire (this step alerts the pineal gland to where you want to go).

Next, visualize your desire for ten minutes a day, five minutes in the morning and five minutes before going to sleep and make sure you incorporate as many of your senses as you can (smell, taste, touch, and sound while visualizing).

Each day, remind yourself you deserve to achieve (insert heart's desire) and do this repeatedly until you feel certain and know you can achieve your goal (This helps you stay focused).

Ask the universe to guide you and trust in your body to lead you in the right direction to achieve your dream. For example, while thinking of your goal an idea might drop in such as to call a particular person, email someone, research something or do something, trust in the guidance and follow it.

Take action! The biggest part of Attraction is action, but only take inspired action that is action that you feel led to take (gut feeling or an inner knowing). This is your pineal giving you instruction on what to do.

Nourish your body with healthy, organic food and herbs preferrably locally grown by doing so you will nourish your pineal gland and allow it to function properly connecting you to people, opportunities and to your spiritual helpers that are ready to assist you. Furthermore, eating chocolate in its natural, raw state (cacao beans) and chaga mushrooms  help provide the pineal with essential nutrients (gas that fuels the car) and allow it to energize you on a cellular level providing you energy and motivation to achieve your goals.

Lastl, avoid excessive fluoride that is found in tap water, toothpaste and table salt (europe). Excessive levels of fluoride not only calcify the pineal (not allowing it to function properly), yet it also lowers IQ, gives one the feeling of being foggy brained, makes you feel disoriented and keeps people from being able to tap their inner GPS.

Remember, developing and nourishing your pineal gland so that you can achieve anything your heart desires is a process that takes awareness and practice just like learning anything new.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Wealth & Wisdom to you,