Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Remember who you are.....

in challenging economic/environmental/social times it helps to remember that you are one with the Divine. The Divine is inside all of us and for me it shows itself as a pilot light burning deep within my Soul. During times of great stress I am instantly comforted after I remember to connect to my inner light and when I do, feelings of comfort and joy flow through me.
This inner, Divine light is within all of us, use it as a reminder of your very perfection. It is easy to get caught up in challenging times and worse yet, identify with them. So, no matter how difficult things may seem or appear, always remember the truth, that you are one with the Divine. Being one with the Divine, means anything is possible in your life right now, the question becomes, what kind of experience do you desire?
Wealth and Wisdom blessings,

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