This blog is either going to completely resonate with you or totally turn you off! However, there's 100% valuable content for you that just might "bend your mind like a pretzel" to quote the amazing, late Dolores Cannon.
If the timing isn't right for your mind to be bent like a pretzel, please read this sometime later when you have a moment to really absorb the message.
Here we go...
This new year brought with it new energy and new challenges. 2015 is asking us to live authentically, speak our truth and show up.
To live authentically means to find your passion, your voice, your purpose and to share it with others.
I've got something extra special for you today. This morning I sat in silence, lap top open and had a conversation with who most refer to as God.
I refer to this energy as All That IS.
By the way, that is how All That Is presents to me, as energy. Not a man with a flowing white beard sitting on a cloud rather... white flowing energy.
This email has nothing to do with religion.
This email is simply sharing with you, a message of hope and truth. See for yourself if this resonates with you.
Your internal baramoter (feelings) will let you know quickly if this channelling is for you, trust that.
Oh and when I say, "channelling" I am refering to a process of me asking a question to the universe and receiving guidance.
Ok, nough said... here ya go.
J= Jaden
G= "God" or All That IS
How to make life easier:
J: What can i do to make life easier?
G: en joy all.
look for the gift of all experiences
not just the easy or fun ones.
the hard have so much information,
learning, growing for you. stay in the growing and you will grow in.
J: what does “grow in” mean?
Personal Growth
G: means regardless of what
is happening for you, you are growing IN the experience, you can only
grow when you are IN something.
J: so stay with it?
G: yes, stay IN it, no matter how difficult
it may feel or be at that time.
J: then what?
G: learn.
learn from the experience. if you grow
enough from it you won't have to do it again.
example, think of something expanding beyond its
present state. it might over flow, burst the container, it just won't fit
IN any more.
people are the same… the more you grow the more
you don't fit IN.
that's a good thing, you don't need to fit IN
everywhere just somewhere which is always changing because you are
you grow even when you don't feel you are
growing… nothing stays the same.
the key is to outgrow your current situation
to raise you to another situation.
J: explain please.
G: you might feel stuck, trapped, upset about
your present situation but it will not change until you fill yourself up with
something more… a new thought, new belief, new way to act,
new day to experience life and others. Then you will grow
and change and create a new situation/vessel or container for you
to grow IN again.
J: what does this mean?
G: you are in a container that wants
more, that is why you
are feeling “tormented”.
Your higher self, as you call it, runs the show or wants to
anyway. Ego plays a part that can confuse you. The battle is ongoing within
causing the torment.
J: I see, what do I do?
G: relax, breathe, en joy life more. No need to
be so serious and upset.
J: ok, then what?
G: That is enough to shift the energy to take you
into a new container.
J: what do you mean container?
G: It's not a physical container as you would
think, its more of an energy container that expands or contracts
based on your energy/emotions/thinking etc.
the bigger your energy container the bigger your
that is why you are drawn to Ellen Degenerous.
Her container is VERY BIG.
it got big because she did her work,
she stayed true to herself. She stayed IN the journey and
trusted. She was guided and led as everyone is.
trust the guidance and trust where you are led.
How to Make Choices
J: anything else?
G: life is a series of choices everyday,
what you chose yesterday doesn't have to be what you
choose today. Choose wisely. You have so much to choose
from. That is part of the frustration people feel. Too many choices
creates uncertainty and can be frustrating.
Consider all your choices, carefully and care
full ly weigh each out, ask: what will this choice do for me? What
will come of making this choice? Will I be
happy making this choice? What are
the ramifications of making this choice?
Ponder each answer, consider them
care full ly, then CHOOSE.
Doing nothing is a choice too yet it might not
get you to outgrow your current energetic space.
Growth is a large part of the
human experience 3-D.
5 D Realm:
5-D is a different experience; it is more
feeling, intuitive guidance, led by inner mechanisms to
raise vibration. Raising vibration assists you and others to literally
elevate or eleviate certain emotions, and circumstances.
Many have said, as above so below. True
to a certain extent. Now consider this: as IN so OUT, as IN so
an elevated level of energy and vibration raises you
above your circumstances.
Raising Your Vibration
J: how do we Integrate this?
G: by your energetic space and field around you.
You press the energy into you. Hold
it, fell it, assimilate it IN your body
for consumption, absorption assimilation. Growth is a
physiological experience.
J: to use it. for
G:for the betterment of
self, physical and emotional health. that is true health,
the integration of higher energy vibration into self.
J: then what?
G: then you have risen above your
previous container and are outside the confines of the physical being
able to fully participate in the ethereal.
J: which means what?
G: which means you are one with me.
J: i need to breathe that in for a moment.
G: yes, breathe that IN.. take it IN,
feel it IN you.
J: you like IN capitalized why?
G: IN is the only thing you can work with to
effect change. you must be IN the process to effect change IN your life.
the alternative which is OUT is also an option yet being out of
something automatically gets you IN something else and that is where the growth
takes place. You can never be OUT you are always IN.
J: I like that… feels right to me. Thank you
for your IN site. :)
can we talk further another time?
G: yes, of course, I am IN you and IN everyone,
J: this conversation is making me emotional.
G: You are hearing what your higher
self has always said; we are ONE. Truth brings emotion.
J: Thank you.
G: You're most welcome.
Please post your comments/thoughts/take aways from this channelling in the comment section below.
I have conversations with God in this way all the time but I ask the question and wait for the answer. It seems to be by reading the article that the first thought after the questions is actually the response?
yes exactly. Go with the first thought. Much easier than people think. The entire process only took 20 minutes or so. :)
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