To Charge For Your Services Or Not... Is That Really The Question?
By Jaden Sterling
We've all been there, starting a new entrepreneurial endeavour and wondering when is the right time to start charging for our services. Whether you are a coach, healer, speaker, or trainer it's imperative to have people consume our products and services for something fair in exchange.
To the newbies, congratulations for putting yourself out there! You've ventured into sacred territory... doing something you love, aligned with your gifts and passion with the intention of serving as many people as possible... Hats off to you!
It can be scary though, hanging your shingle out for the first time and not having customers already lined up or beating a path to your door! No matter, you've made the leap now lets focus on how best to get you paid!
Intuitively, I feel that it's not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when" to charge for your services so my advice has more to do with "how" best to make that happen.
After all, we know ultimately, people value what they pay for; the more paid the greater the value and consumption of the product.
After all, we know ultimately, people value what they pay for; the more paid the greater the value and consumption of the product.
However, if your product or services are free, in the consumers mind that means they are easily disposable (bring to mind the last grab bag from a birthday party your kids brought home). It's human nature to think this way.
The thinking process works something like this: if your consumers have nothing invested they aren't valuing their learning (or your services) as much as they can. Plus... the next free or fun thing that crosses their radar (during your particular time slot) it would be easy for them to skip your class/speech or session because they aren't vested, get it?
Here's the rub... charging a fair price in exchange for the value you are creating in someone's life has to happen for your customers benefit as well as yours. That way, your customer can feel good about giving something back and you can feel good about receiving. Capiche?
However, many people start out giving away their services (and products) for free in the hopes of gaining customers, and then when people do show up or want their products or services that's when they start charging.
Fair enough, you tested your products/services and people want them, awesome. However, you might find that you won't be able to charge the people who have been consuming your product for free, as they will naturally ask, "Why should I start paying for it now?" In other words, your current participants might not end up being your paying customers... stay with me here.
Here are a few suggestions to consider:
1) Test your current groups abundance mentality by asking for donations, "give what you can" approach and see what happens.
2) Ask each person for a testimonial, that way you will start receiving something of value and testimonials can be extremely valuable as you build your business.
3) Make a decision to start charging for your products and services and give your current "free" people 30 days notice.
4) In the future, I recommend clearly spelling out the terms of engagement with you, including what you charge, how people can pay and what they can expect working with you. Most people value clearly defined terms.
5) Don't waiver from your terms, ask the universe to bring you people who will joyfully and gladly abide by them.
6) Continue to value yourself and what you have to offer others, the more you do this the more you will feel comfortable charging for your products and services and the easier it will become.
7) Remember: people can't value your products or services any more or less than you do.
Here's a great example of offering amazing value at a great price:
In closing, it's OK to offer something for free to people as you ramp up your new endeavor. People want to be able to "check you out" and what you are offering, so freebies are great! However, I highly recommend, to limit the freebies and only you can decide what that looks like. Whether you are a speaker, trainer, consultant, healer and etc. You can still assist other people, be of service and contribute to the greater good by charging a fair price in exchange for what you offer.
As always, do what feels right to you!
Go get 'em!
Jaden Sterling
Go get 'em!
Jaden Sterling
Jaden Sterling is North America's Business Acceleration Expert, Radio show host, an award winning, international best-selling author of "The Alchemy of True Success" and is a sought after Speaker, Consultant and Trainer who advises Entrepreneurs and business owners, how to take their business to the next level. For more information please visit:
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