Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Transformation can be FUN! Here's how...

Got a couple minutes? Cause... I want to talk. 
Actually, it's more like a need than a want. 
I NEED to talk with YOU. 
And I need to talk with you about something important. So... make yourself comfortable, grab a cup of herbal tea, take a deep breath and let's talk. 

At this point in your life during this incredible time of shifting energies on our planet, you are probably feeling: overwhelmed, confused, unfocused, frustrated and possibly even a bit cranky! Good news is, what you are feeling and going through is completelynatural

For those who are sensitive and can feel energy, you already have been feeling.... let's say, "off".
And you aren't alone! EVERYONE is a bit "off" right now and that will continue for approximately 60 more days. 

However, the amazing thing about this energy is you can use it to make some BIG and lasting changes in your life. 
In fact let's even use the word: TRANSFORMATION. 
Are you ok with that word? 
I don't throw that word around lightly, it has weight and merit and substance and MAGIC.  

Yes, I think that's what I like most about transformation, it has the energy of... magic. 
Transformation can happen in any area of your life you choose: personally, spiritually and professionally including: relationships, health, career, love, home, self, joy, success, abundance, connecting with other people and the list goes on and on. 

Another amazing thing about transformation is... it's polite! 

Yes, polite, because it first gives YOU, the opportunity to choose it. 

Which is way fun. 

When you choose transformation you get to work together and change whatever you desire.... just like magic! 

In the interest of full disclosure, that magical process could very well include (but are not limited to) changing old behaviours that no longer serve you, having that long over due: heart to heart with your partner, de-cluttering your home, becoming more disciplined, cleaning up your eating habits, stopping stopping, quitting smoking, moving, and even changing some long held beliefs. 

All of which can be challenging and unfamiliar to you which by that very definition might leave you feeling a bit, no... majorly, UNCOMFORTABLE. 

I know uncomfortable is no fun! I agree. 

However, let's talk about what happens when you don't choose  transformation and allow your life to continue as it's going. 

If you don't initiate transformation in your life and your life needs it, at some point it will happen. 

Often people refer to that time as the proverbial 2x4 that smacks them, or when sickness hits and they have to slow down, or when they lose their job, or their spouse leaves or something awful happens to get their attention.  
No fun right?

Exactly, no fun! 

So, why not use this incredible energy that is available to you and start making some big transformations? 

Maybe you are thinking, "Sure I would love to but where do I start?"

Fair enough, let me assist you with that.

Here are 5 steps you can take today (and everyday for the next 31 days) to invite transformation into your life:
  1. Clear out the clutter in your home, one drawer at a time. Every time you look at clutter it takes a little bit of your life force energy. Clutter comes in the form of junk drawers, over flowing closets, stacks of papers on your desk, too many nicknack's, broken items, and unused items. Everyday,  make a point to use it or lose it... just 5 things a day for 30 days. Donate clothing or other items, have a garage sale, sell things, whatever you have to do to declutter your home. Doing so will make you enjoy what you have even more and will increase the energy flow in your home. 
  2. Stop one habit that no longer serves you. This includes smoking, gossip, stinkin' thinkin', spending money you don't have, caffeine, sugar, eating in excess, not keeping your promises. You decide which habit you want to quit and only focus on one for the next 30 days. 
  3. Become Aware of what is working in your life and not working in your life, then do more of what's working and stop what isn't working. This applies to your personal, professional and spiritual life. Set aside 20 minutes and on a piece of paper write the words: Personal, Professional, Spiritual. then draw a line between them (so they each have their own column) then halfway down the page draw a horizontal line and above the line write: what is working and under the line write: what isn't working. Then fill it in. Pay close attention to what isn't working and focus your energy on changing that somehow to work better for you.
  4. Allow for more playtime. Play negates resistance and will help you not take yourself (or life) too seriously.  If you find you are too busy for fun or play then you are someone who needs it the most! Schedule play time everyday, go to the park and swing on the swing set, dance around your house to uplifting music, draw, paint, garden, go for a walk, ride your bike, play with the kids, play with your pet (dogs love to play hide and go seek). You get the idea.  adorable Panda on a rocking horse having fun!
  5. Look for the beauty in everything and in everyone as often as you can. We are surrounded by beauty in nature. Nature is beauty that is alive and well. People are beautiful too, and everyone has a story, sit and listen and find something beautiful about someone else. What you find beautiful in others is what is truly beautiful in YOU.
These steps may seem simple and they are. Simple because you are taking charge of your transformation. 
See how your life changes after a few short weeks and please email me and let me know.
As you can probably gather, transformation will happen regardless of what you do or don't do... you already know that, maybe you didn't know how you could initiate it on your own and take charge of your transformation and make it a beautiful, fun process! 

To hear more about this incredible time of change please tune into my radio show with Dianne Collins the author of Quantum Think click HERE FOR THE RADIO SHOW. The show is Wednesday 10:00 AM PST/11:00 AM MST/1:00 PM EST. 

