Monday, June 2, 2014

To Charge For Services Or Not… Is That Really The Question?

To Charge For Your Services Or Not... Is That Really The Question?
By Jaden Sterling

We've all been there, starting a new entrepreneurial endeavour and wondering when is the right time to start charging for our services. Whether you are a coach, healer, speaker, or trainer it's imperative to have people consume our products and services for something fair in exchange.
To the newbies, congratulations for putting yourself out there! You've ventured into sacred territory... doing something you love, aligned with your gifts and passion with the intention of serving as many people as possible... Hats off to you!
It can be scary though, hanging your shingle out for the first time and not having customers already lined up or beating a path to your door! No matter, you've made the leap now lets focus on how best to get you paid!
Intuitively, I feel that it's not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when" to charge for your services so my advice has more to do with "how" best to make that happen.
After all, we know ultimately, people value what they pay for; the more paid the greater the value and consumption of the product.
However, if your product or services are free, in the consumers mind that means they are easily disposable (bring to mind the last grab bag from a birthday party your kids brought home). It's human nature to think this way.
The thinking process works something like this: if your consumers have nothing invested they aren't valuing their learning (or your services) as much as they can. Plus... the next free or fun thing that crosses their radar (during your particular time slot) it would be easy for them to skip your class/speech or session because they aren't vested, get it?
Here's the rub... charging a fair price in exchange for the value you are creating in someone's life has to happen for your customers benefit as well as yours. That way, your customer can feel good about giving something back and you can feel good about receiving. Capiche?
However, many people start out giving away their services (and products) for free in the hopes of gaining customers, and then when people do show up or want their products or services that's when they start charging.
Fair enough, you tested your products/services and people want them, awesome. However, you might find that you won't be able to charge the people who have been consuming your product for free, as they will naturally ask, "Why should I start paying for it now?" In other words, your current participants might not end up being your paying customers... stay with me here.
Here are a few suggestions to consider:
1) Test your current groups abundance mentality by asking for donations, "give what you can" approach and see what happens.
2) Ask each person for a testimonial, that way you will start receiving something of value and testimonials can be extremely valuable as you build your business.
3) Make a decision to start charging for your products and services and give your current "free" people 30 days notice.
4) In the future, I recommend clearly spelling out the terms of engagement with you, including what you charge, how people can pay and what they can expect working with you. Most people value clearly defined terms.
5) Don't waiver from your terms, ask the universe to bring you people who will joyfully and gladly abide by them.
6) Continue to value yourself and what you have to offer others, the more you do this the more you will feel comfortable charging for your products and services and the easier it will become.
7) Remember: people can't value your products or services any more or less than you do.

Here's a great example of offering amazing value at a great price:

        In closing, it's OK to offer something for free to people as you ramp up your new endeavor. People want to be able to "check you out" and what you are offering, so freebies are great! However, I highly recommend, to limit the freebies and only you can decide what that looks like. Whether you are a speaker, trainer, consultant, healer and etc. You can still assist other people, be of service and contribute to the greater good by charging a fair price in exchange for what you offer.

As always, do what feels right to you!

Go get 'em!

Jaden Sterling

Jaden Sterling is North America's Business Acceleration Expert, Radio show host, an award winning, international best-selling author of "The Alchemy of True Success" and is a sought after Speaker, Consultant and Trainer who advises Entrepreneurs and business owners, how to take their business to the next level. For more information please visit:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Transformation can be FUN! Here's how...

Got a couple minutes? Cause... I want to talk. 
Actually, it's more like a need than a want. 
I NEED to talk with YOU. 
And I need to talk with you about something important. So... make yourself comfortable, grab a cup of herbal tea, take a deep breath and let's talk. 

At this point in your life during this incredible time of shifting energies on our planet, you are probably feeling: overwhelmed, confused, unfocused, frustrated and possibly even a bit cranky! Good news is, what you are feeling and going through is completelynatural

For those who are sensitive and can feel energy, you already have been feeling.... let's say, "off".
And you aren't alone! EVERYONE is a bit "off" right now and that will continue for approximately 60 more days. 

However, the amazing thing about this energy is you can use it to make some BIG and lasting changes in your life. 
In fact let's even use the word: TRANSFORMATION. 
Are you ok with that word? 
I don't throw that word around lightly, it has weight and merit and substance and MAGIC.  

Yes, I think that's what I like most about transformation, it has the energy of... magic. 
Transformation can happen in any area of your life you choose: personally, spiritually and professionally including: relationships, health, career, love, home, self, joy, success, abundance, connecting with other people and the list goes on and on. 

Another amazing thing about transformation is... it's polite! 

Yes, polite, because it first gives YOU, the opportunity to choose it. 

Which is way fun. 

When you choose transformation you get to work together and change whatever you desire.... just like magic! 

In the interest of full disclosure, that magical process could very well include (but are not limited to) changing old behaviours that no longer serve you, having that long over due: heart to heart with your partner, de-cluttering your home, becoming more disciplined, cleaning up your eating habits, stopping stopping, quitting smoking, moving, and even changing some long held beliefs. 

All of which can be challenging and unfamiliar to you which by that very definition might leave you feeling a bit, no... majorly, UNCOMFORTABLE. 

I know uncomfortable is no fun! I agree. 

However, let's talk about what happens when you don't choose  transformation and allow your life to continue as it's going. 

If you don't initiate transformation in your life and your life needs it, at some point it will happen. 

Often people refer to that time as the proverbial 2x4 that smacks them, or when sickness hits and they have to slow down, or when they lose their job, or their spouse leaves or something awful happens to get their attention.  
No fun right?

Exactly, no fun! 

So, why not use this incredible energy that is available to you and start making some big transformations? 

Maybe you are thinking, "Sure I would love to but where do I start?"

Fair enough, let me assist you with that.

Here are 5 steps you can take today (and everyday for the next 31 days) to invite transformation into your life:
  1. Clear out the clutter in your home, one drawer at a time. Every time you look at clutter it takes a little bit of your life force energy. Clutter comes in the form of junk drawers, over flowing closets, stacks of papers on your desk, too many nicknack's, broken items, and unused items. Everyday,  make a point to use it or lose it... just 5 things a day for 30 days. Donate clothing or other items, have a garage sale, sell things, whatever you have to do to declutter your home. Doing so will make you enjoy what you have even more and will increase the energy flow in your home. 
  2. Stop one habit that no longer serves you. This includes smoking, gossip, stinkin' thinkin', spending money you don't have, caffeine, sugar, eating in excess, not keeping your promises. You decide which habit you want to quit and only focus on one for the next 30 days. 
  3. Become Aware of what is working in your life and not working in your life, then do more of what's working and stop what isn't working. This applies to your personal, professional and spiritual life. Set aside 20 minutes and on a piece of paper write the words: Personal, Professional, Spiritual. then draw a line between them (so they each have their own column) then halfway down the page draw a horizontal line and above the line write: what is working and under the line write: what isn't working. Then fill it in. Pay close attention to what isn't working and focus your energy on changing that somehow to work better for you.
  4. Allow for more playtime. Play negates resistance and will help you not take yourself (or life) too seriously.  If you find you are too busy for fun or play then you are someone who needs it the most! Schedule play time everyday, go to the park and swing on the swing set, dance around your house to uplifting music, draw, paint, garden, go for a walk, ride your bike, play with the kids, play with your pet (dogs love to play hide and go seek). You get the idea.  adorable Panda on a rocking horse having fun!
  5. Look for the beauty in everything and in everyone as often as you can. We are surrounded by beauty in nature. Nature is beauty that is alive and well. People are beautiful too, and everyone has a story, sit and listen and find something beautiful about someone else. What you find beautiful in others is what is truly beautiful in YOU.
These steps may seem simple and they are. Simple because you are taking charge of your transformation. 
See how your life changes after a few short weeks and please email me and let me know.
As you can probably gather, transformation will happen regardless of what you do or don't do... you already know that, maybe you didn't know how you could initiate it on your own and take charge of your transformation and make it a beautiful, fun process! 

To hear more about this incredible time of change please tune into my radio show with Dianne Collins the author of Quantum Think click HERE FOR THE RADIO SHOW. The show is Wednesday 10:00 AM PST/11:00 AM MST/1:00 PM EST. 



Sunday, March 23, 2014

The ONE way to receive information from the universe… read on

Ever have the experience when a dream brought a much needed answer? Have you ever woken up with a brilliant idea, or had a steady flow of ideas "pop in your head" for a project you were working on? Fun, right? 
Yes and easy!
We love easy… but what happens when answers don't come so easily and why do they come easily in some circumstances and not others? 
Not receiving information from the universe might even prompt imploring/begging/pleading with the Universe, "please… tell me what I need to know about my (insert project/business venture/relationship). 

It's as if we want it all figured out BEFORE we even begin. 

If you are still reading this chances are, you already work with the universe and the universe has helped you out in the past with a thing or two. 
Or perhaps you consistently work with the universe, co-creating magic in your life and in your business… Nice!

While working with the universe have you noticed its guidance  comes  in the form of: information, ideas, support, signs and assistance at just the right time? Even if we ask for clues, signs and etc… we won't receive any if we are asking for guidance regarding a future event. 
For some people who are planners/left brained dominate this can be frustrating!  It may at times feel as if the universe is withholding from us, playing hard to get or just plain ignoring us. Recently (like this morning) I found out why all this happens and I wanted to share it with you! 

 I receive guidance from the universe right when I wake up in the morning. The process is simple, I focus my thoughts on a specific project and then…  I wait. This morning was no different, I was thinking about an upcoming event (3 weeks away) and waiting for universal guidance, none came. 
I waited longer, still nothing. 
Thankfully, I didn't doubt myself, and I simply asked (silently to myself, Universe what gives? Why am I not receiving guidance?) 
A moment later I was given guidance, not about my upcoming  event but about "timing" of guidance. 
The message was simple and straight forward:  time is irrelevant in the spiritual realm, we only assist with the NOW.  Which got me thinking about the physical realm and that we only have the present moment. 
Which brings to mind a sign that hangs in an English pub and reads, "Free beer tomorrow." Does anyone ever get free beer? 
There's a good reason for that because, tomorrow doesn't exist, yet it does because we can see it on our calendar and we can even plan for it and we can even push things off until  tomorrow. 

By my asking about an event 3 weeks away I wasn't in the NOW,  I was in the future with my thoughts which doesn't  allow access to guidance from the spiritual realm. Future is irrelevant to the spiritual realm everything exists in the NOW. 
Future thinking does NOTHING for manifesting what you desire. Everything you desire must be thought of  in the present moment if you want the universe to assist you. 

This is HUGE so please stay with me. 

Further evidence of this phenomenon happened recently as I completely overhauled my level I workshop which is the foundational level of my Wealth Mastery Institute.  I spent weeks and hundreds of hours upgrading the workshop and even had a 7-page spreadsheet which included all the details of the weekend workshop, including what time students would enter the room, to what song, to how long each experiential activity would take, which pages of the workbook would be covered and etc. I thought I had a pretty amazing weekend planned for the group. 
We started Friday evening and all seemed to be going well. People were making shifts and some great work was being done. Saturday continued, I followed my plan and we covered a lot of material while having fun. 
However, after class Saturday night I was reflecting on the day and I felt as if something was missing, yet I couldn't put my finger on it. 
I went to sleep that night and tossed and turned. 
Sunday morning at 4:00 am I was awakened with ideas for the class. I was experiencing a stream of ideas about what to cover for class that day. I jumped out of bed grabbed a few index cards and pen and wrote down the ideas. 
The ideas felt really good to me and I chose to abandon my spreadsheet even though I was scared to, I knew I had  to trust and have faith to forgo my previous plan and go with the ideas that I received from the universe earlier that morning. 

Then the thought occurred to me, wait a second trusting and having faith in one's self and in universal guidance is EXACTLY what I teach, so I HAVE to trust in what was given to me and follow it!

I did follow the ideas given to me and it was the best day I've ever had teaching. A few workshop veterans told me how much they loved what we did on Sunday and that they've never experienced anything like it before! 
To this day, I still use the same format for Sunday's that was presented to me by the Universe a mere 5 hours earlier. 

That experience coupled with this mornings awareness around the timing of universal guidance has proven a few things:

1) The universe assists you with what you have happening right NOW , not future events. 
2) Plan for future events yet more importantly remain FLEXIBLE.
3) If you are in need of assistance for a future event, pretend as if it is happening NOW (you can do this by using your imagination or by actually taking action toward a future event) then ask the universe for assistance.
4) Have notecards and a pen handy (or some type of recording device) at all times to record the ideas and inspiration from the universe. I take these with me when I'm out for a walk, bathing, driving and have them strategically placed in my night stand, bathroom and workout room.
5)Follow and trust the guidance you receive!

For Type A's (you know who you are) you might struggle with this concept yet, please know…  it works! 
Prepare if you must for your meeting, presentation, speech, workshop or coaching session AND remain open to ideas and concepts that come to you in the moment. 

In summary, if you are not receiving information, ideas, assistance or clues from the universe about something you are working on ask yourself this very important question: "Am I asking about a future event or about something happening NOW?"
Once you determine it's in the Now then ask again, it's easy, here's what I ask, "what do I need to know right now about (insert today's project) then wait for guidance. 

To your success,

 Jaden Sterling is North America’s Business Acceleration Expert, an award winning, international best-selling author of “The Alchemy of True Success” and is a sought after Speaker, Consultant and Trainer who advises Entrepreneurs and business owners on  taking their business to the next level. For more information please visit:

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Simple IS The New Radical

Simple IS The New Radical
By Jaden Sterling

It was Tuesday evening, crunch time before we headed out for a flight early Wednesday. I had a pit in my stomach as I looked at my desk and saw multiple stacks of paper, each vying for my attention.
Scratching my head I asked myself “How did this happen?” The answer came quickly: upgrading my website, launching a new product, packed coaching schedule, corporate taxes, and preparing for an upcoming workshop contributed to the paperwork pile up.
I’ve never been a fan of multi tasking yet found myself doing that exact thing –giving energy simultaneously to multiple projects left me feeling overwhelmed and… I don’t like to admit – inefficient.
In the past, [prior to leaving town] I made a point to clear my desk so that when I returned from vacation or business I could easily jump back into the flow with minimal effort.
Rather than spending too much time thinking how my desk got so cluttered I chose to focus my energy on having a paper free desktop within 30 minutes. Initially when I set that goal my sub conscious mind chimed in with thoughts such as, “Who are you kidding?” and “You can’t do that look at all these papers”.  Knowing the enormity of the task ahead, I had to do several things.
First, I had to quiet my subconscious mind… more precisely I had to drown out the noise from my subconscious, which was easily accomplished by playing up lifting music LOUDLY.
Drowning out the voice of doubt allowed for my mind to get busy on the task at hand.
Second, I grabbed my recycling bin [not trash can] and set my timer for 5 minutes, which worked out to one minute per stack. I had 60 seconds to quickly assess which papers were important to the project [defined as contributing to moving my project forward]. This time limit made it necessary for me to be more intuitive rather than analytical as it came to the paper cull.
Third, I took the remaining “helpful” [notice I said ‘helpful’ and not ‘important’ because many people get bogged down with thinking they need to keep paper and other stuff because they will need it “some day”, yet that someday never comes]. I then took 4 notebooks and labeled each according to the project. Each paper got 3-hole punched and inserted into the binders by date: starting with the oldest to the most recent.
Fourth, I opened a word doc and turned to the first page of each binder and from those pages created my To Do List for when I returned. Something magical happens when you create your To Do List before you leave the office rather than start it when you arrive at the office. You will feel more focused and in control of your day and accomplish a lot more because you already have a plan.
Lastly, I dusted my desk, wiped my computer monitor and was grateful for this simple act of clearing my desk that for many will seem so radical.
So, the next time you are faced with insurmountable paper work, consider giving these simple, yet effective steps a try and please let me know how it works for you. 

Jaden Sterling is North America’s Business Acceleration Expert, an award winning, international best-selling author of “The Alchemy of True Success” and is a sought after Speaker, Consultant and Trainer who advises Zentrepreneurs on how to take their business to the next level. For more information please visit: