You may take comfort in knowing that yes, you have a purpose here on earth, unique to you and rooted in what your Soul desires to experience for its growth and the gifts it has to share through "you" so that its purpose is fulfilled. Once your purpose is fulfilled, you exit the physical plane and cross over to the Spiritual dimension, however, that is an entirely different conversation, so for now, let's just stick to what we do while we are here on earth.
Each person is given a vehicle (physical body) that houses the Soul and each physical body has internal organs that allow for you to be alive including a brain and central nervous system which contribute to your emotions, thoughts, beliefs and feelings (and yes ladies, regardless of what you might think at times, your man does have feelings too :)) Since this isn't a case study of the human body, lets get back to the Soul, the Soul resides in the middle of your chest near your heart, its actually a separate part of you, you may think of yourself as a human having a soulful experience, however a more accurate statement is, 'you are a Soul, having a human experience'.
The vehicle, your physical body, transports your Soul through the experience that we refer to as 'life'. If your life is happy and fulfilling and you don't want to change a thing, terrific! However, if you find yourself asking introspective questions and desiring to get to the truth of life, here is a simple solution for you. Acknowledge that you have a Soul then allow for it to guide you, it's really that simple!
I like to think of the Soul as the part of us that gives us wings to fly. I believe you will find, as I have, that once you tap into your Soul and allow for its messages, guidance and insights to come forward you will begin to experience life in an entirely new way. Your life will become easier, more fulfilling and you will worry less.
Your Soul is constantly trying to get your attention, by gently nudging you with ideas, insights, direction, serendipity and much more. Now, some people refer to their Soul's guidance as "a gut feeling" while others just "know" things. How you receive the information is not important, what does matter though, is that you ask for guidance and then follow it once it comes forward!
So, ask big questions of life, keep your curiosity peaked and your mind stretching beyond any preconceived notions you have of yourself. It's when you stretch out of your comfort zone that you begin to reach new heights of awareness and growth all of which your Soul thrives on.
Happy stretching!